Rani Grönberg hereby declare the foundation of the Cyber Malamute Obedience Club (CMOC)
Apart from ”standard” rules, the club also states that:
- All shows are to be held outside.
- Shows are cancelled if it’s warmer than 0 C (above freezing point).
- All obedience activities are cancelled during the Summer.
- Hot dogs, ham, bacon, liver etc are regarded as necessary training tools.
- Hot dogs, ham, bacon, liver etc and any kind of food are allowed as rewards during official shows in unlimited amounts.
- Woooo-woooooing during heel, long stay etc gives extra points.
- Tricks to please the audience, like: extra jumps over the ”jump”, stealing the ring-stewards sandwich, starting every heel with a big leap into the air etc are definitely giving extra points.
- All exercises including the command ’fetch’ are forbidden.
- A new exercise with the dumbbell will be added: ”Grab and run!”
Present members (1996-03-15)
- Rani – president
- Glenda – secretary (since the house-hold only consits of two (more or less) Malamutes and Glenda has a good potential for being a good polar dog: Eager for food, thick isolating coat, digs, chews, loves to cuddle and doesn’t always obey instantly)
- Zilba – treasurer
Maria – after an evening at the club when it was freezing cold, and everyone else complained about how cold it was but Rani – sweet beautiful Rani – was having one of those days when she heeled, and did all other commands too, like a Border Collie in a Malamute’s disguise.