cocoon cardigan shrug koft shell pattern snäckmönster virkad mönster diagram
2 svar på “Cocoon kofta granny shrug cardigan diagram / mönster”
  1. Så genialiskt enkel – och din tydliga beskrivning för det ännu enklare.

  2. Hi there. It has been quite a while since I began following your interesting patterns. You are gifted with a sharing and giving ability. Thankyou. I am going to try this Cocoon pattern and see how it goes. May God bless you and keep you. (to protect, sustain and guard you) May the Lord make His face shine upon you with favour, and He be gracious to you, surrounding you with loving kindness, the Lord lift up His face upon you with divine approval …and give you peace. Num 6: 24-26 A lovely day from a sunny South Africa

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